Alice in Wünderland: Darkmoon (5e adventure) Coming Winter 2024

Experience a new 5e adventure set in Lewis Carroll’s nightmare.

Try not to to lose your head…

Dive into the rabbit hole and discover a familiar setting warped into a surreal alternate reality where madness reigns.

Based on Lewis Carroll’s timeless classic, this 5e adventure will set the scene for a bizarre and bloody story where not just one, but multiple Alices from different dimensions must band together to survive and escape the madness!

What you’ll get:

  • One fantastically strange, grim, and dark adventure

  • Stunning artwork to bring the twisted world of Wünderland to life

  • One wild new subclass: The Mad Bard!

  • Three warped new character backgrounds

  • Five illustrated and detailed NPCs with background, agenda, and secret

  • Five pre-made grimdark Alice characters

  • 20+ new twisted monsters, strange magic items, and wicked weapons

More info coming Winter 2024

“We’re all just a little mad here.
You’ll fit right in!”

–The Hatter


Down the Rabbit Hole, Into the Dark…

Alice felt the hunger churning deep in the void of her stomach. Five days without a crumb of food had begun to cause intermittent spells of lightheadedness. As she crouched against the frigid breeze, snowflakes swirled like a halo of tiny white insects.

She’d covered a dozen miles, despite the fatigue, and had finally spotted game sign the day prior. But the trail had gone cold, as if the elk had just… evaporated.

Wrapping the dirty wool cloak tighter around her body, she pulled the half-full waterskin out from underneath layers of clothing, uncorked it, and paused.

Something large and white darted out from beneath a scrub oak a few dozen yards away and stopped, lifting it's head to sniff the air.

At first, she thought it was a wolf.

It was a white rabbit the size of a six- or seven-year-old human child.

She blinked a few times, and when the rabbit didn’t change size, she decided it probably wasn't a hallucination. Careful not to make a sound, Alice picked up the bow resting next to her thigh and gingerly drew a single arrow from the buckskin quiver on her back.

Knocking her arrow, she breathlessly lifted the bow, simultaneously drawing back the string slowly, steadily.

The snowflakes continued dancing silently around her. She could feel the heart beating in her chest as she braced her arms and shoulders against the pressure of the bow at full draw.

Then the rabbit produced a small silver object, opened it, and stared at it for several beats, speaking aloud to itself in common: “Half past five! Oh dear, oh dear. I shall be late!”

It then stowed the pocket watch and promptly continued through the snowy scrubland.

Frozen by confusion, Alice paused, then let the tension out of her bow. After replacing the arrow back into the quiver, she stood, slung her pack over her shoulder, and gave chase.

The white rabbit continued on heedlessly for several minutes at a modest pace before stopping at the foot of an immense cedar tree. A dark hole about two feet across could be seen just under an arched tree root. After a brief glance left and right, the rabbit plunged into the hole, disappearing into darkness.

Seemingly in a trance and without a moment's hesitation, Alice sprinted to the hole, kneeled, and inserted her head.

The interior was pitch black.

She moved forward, feeling for the floor of the hole with her hands, and then let out a gasp as her fingers grasped nothing but air and she was suddenly plummeting into black oblivion…


Everyone is Alice

In this campaign, all players select one of five preconstructed Alice characters or can choose to create a new character named Alice.

Players may choose from any species or class, but all PCs are named Alice and represent a unique version of her from a different plane of existence.

Currently in Development

This campaign is currently being play-tested by our stalwart collective of grumpy wizards and sketchy rogues.

Check back here for more info this winter!


Partnering with Dungeon Matters


Free Tools for Quickly Making City, Town, and Cave Maps for DnD