Random Traps Tables for DnD

The following traps provide a brief description followed by a suggestion on how the character(s) might evade or resist the trap once it has been sprung. Adjust DC and damage according to player character level.

Mechanical Traps – D12

  1. Dart Trap: A tripwire or pressure plate causes darts to fire from small holes in the wall and/or ceiling. The darts inflict poison damage. DEX save to evade.

  2. Spike Log Trap: A tripwire or pressure plate causes a spiked log to swing down (pendulum). The log does piercing and bludgeoning damage. DEX save to evade.

  3. Spring Blade Trap: A tripwire or pressure plate causes one or more large blades to swipe outward from wall/floor/ceiling. The blades deal slashing damage. DEX save to evade.

  4. Net Trap: A tripwire releases a counterweight mechanism, which pulls a concealed rope net up to ensnare victims, lifting them into the air. DEX save to evade.

  5. Toxic Cloud Trap: A pressure plate releases a toxic vapor (20-50 foot spherical cloud). Creatures caught in the cloud must succeed on a CON saving throw or take poison damage.

  6. Sleeping Gas Trap: A pressure plate releases a sleep-inducing gas (20-50 foot cloud). Functions similarly to a Sleep spell. Adjust level as needed.

  7. Flame Trap: A pressure plate triggers one or more powerful flame jets concealed in the wall/floor/ceiling, dealing fire damage. DEX save to evade.

  8. Incendiary Trap: A tripwire causes several ceramic jars of flammable liquid to fall and break, followed by a falling torch or candle that ignites the liquid, dealing fire damage. DEX save to evade.

  9. Spike Pit Trap: A 5 to 10-foot square pit trap is concealed under a false floor. The pit is 10-20 feet deep with sharp wooden or metal spikes at the bottom that deal piercing damage. DEX save to evade.

  10. Snake Pit Trap: A 5 to 10-foot square pit trap is concealed under a false floor. The pit is 10-20 feet deep and filled with venomous snakes that deal poison damage. DEX save to evade.

  11. Pitfall Trap: A 5 to 10-foot square pit trap is concealed under a false floor or other mechanism. It drops 10-20 feet into a subterranean area that contains hostile creatures (e.g. giant rats or spiders). A tunnel in the subterranean pit leads to another area. DEX save to evade.

  12. Magnet Trap: A pressure plate activates a large, powerful magnet in the ceiling, pulling any metal objects (weapons, armor, etc.) weighing less than 250 lb. toward it. The magnet can be deactivated by a hidden mechanism somewhere nearby. STR save to evade or escape.

Magic Traps - D12

  1. Rune Portal Trap: When stepped on or over, an arcane rune carved into the floor opens a one-way portal that transports one character to another area. The rune can only be triggered once. Perception check to avoid.

  2. Nightmare Mirror Trap: A large enchanted mirror on the wall causes anyone that looks into it to see a horrific vision of their own death or a horribly corrupted version of themselves, dealing psychic damage on a failed WIS saving throw.

  3. Rug Trap: A Rug of Smothering sits on the floor, often just inside the threshold of a door. Appears to be a normal rug.

  4. Warding Glyph Trap: A Glyph of Warding on the wall, floor, or ceiling triggers. Perception check to avoid.

  5. Thunder Glyph Trap: A magical glyph triggers a Thunderwave spell. Adjust level as needed. Perception check to avoid.

  6. Acid Glyph Trap: A magical glyph triggers a multiple Acid Arrow spells. Perception check to avoid.

  7. Infestation Glyph Trap: A magical glyph triggers an Infestation spell. Adjust level as needed. Perception check to avoid.

  8. Gravity Glyph Trap: A magical glyph triggers a Reverse Gravity spell. There is also a panel of spikes on the ceiling (optional).

  9. Statue Trap: A stone statue depicting an animal, humanoid, or gargoyle transforms into a hostile construct and attacks if approached. Use the same stats as a creature from the Basic Rules or Monster Manual, except that it is a construct immune to poison and psychic damage. It’s also immune to the following conditions: Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned.

  10. Rotten Feast Trap: A room appears to be laid our with a kingly feast. A long wooden table is set out with delicious foods, desserts, wine, and ale. Numerous candles provide light. Comfortable chairs offer respite. The food and drink looks and smells real, but is an illusion. Characters may pick up and eat the food and drink the wine and ale. However, the food is actually rotten and the drinks spoiled. A character that eats or drinks will not immediately become aware of this. After several minutes, the illusion ends. Any character that consumed the food or drink suffers 2d4 poison damage and 1d4 psychic damage.

  11. Treasure Room Trap: A grand treasure room full of gold, gems, and valuables is an illusion. Entering the room and touching any treasure causes the illusion to disappear and the door(s) to magically shut and lock. The room then begins to fill with water or poison gas. To escape, players must pick the lock or break through the door.

  12. Abyssal Mirrors Trap: Large oval-shaped mirrors mounted on the wall suddenly turn black. The room or hallway also becomes very dark. Seconds later, inky black tentacles reach out of the mirrors. The tentacles attempt to grapple characters and pull them into a portal to the abyss. DEX save to evade.