Random Monster Tables by CR for DnD

Got Monsters?

Every DM enjoys thumbing through the Monsters Manual to find some baddies for that next campaign.

But what if you’re on a time crunch?

Roll some dice, consult the random monster tables below, and you’re off to the races!

Note on hyperlinks: We’re working to add hyperlinks to open5e in these tables. If a table hasn’t been linked yet, you can find stat blocks on the Monsters section of open5e. Monsters through CR3 are linked so far.

Quick note on monster CR: The Challenge Rating (CR) stat is a loose approximation of the difficulty of a monster. This gets even looser when combining multiple monsters. To fill out some of these tables, we had to add in a few monster combos. To do that, we simply made sure the combined CRs add up to the CR listed at the top of the table. This math may not always pan out in terms of actual difficulty level, so DMs may need to adjust on the fly (as always). For more info on CR and encounter difficulty, check out this helpful article from Sly Flourish.